Creamas - Creative Multi-Agent Systems


Creamas is Python (3.5+) library for (creative) multi-agent systems. It is a tool to research and implement multi-agent systems that exhibit emergent and/or creative behavior in some ways. However, its main implementations are general enough to be used for multi-agent systems with other purposes.

Features, etc.

  • Built on top of aiomas

  • Agents are designed to produce creative artifacts

  • Each agent lives in an environment

  • Environment acts also as a communication route between the agents

  • Support for multiple cores

  • Support for distributed systems running on multiple nodes

  • Easy made iterative simulations for agents

  • Social decision making using voting

  • NetworkX integration to generate agent connections from NetworkX structures and vice versa

See Overview for a more detailed introduction to the library’s main components. Project’s main repository is in github.